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ISA Essay Competition 2021

This years categories were:

1. Horsey Category (years 5 and 6)

Candidates submitted an original piece of writing in response to the following titles:

1. Imaginative Christmas parcels can often take much longer to be delivered! Imagine that you are a Christmas parcel (or its contents) that travels around the country before it finally reaches its destination. Describe your adventures en route.

2 Fantasy We all enjoy a bedtime story with a good moral. Write your own story with the title: “The mole and the eagle!” aimed at young children (aged 5-7.)

3. Science fiction Create your own original “Alien” who you meet unexpectedly. You should describe their physical appearance, special powers and their journey to earth.

4. Autobiography “Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies.” (Aristotle) Describe at least one of your friends in detail, showing why you truly appreciate their special friendship.

5. A news article Write an article aimed at your school year group with the headline: Celebrating our school community’s heroes in 2020 


Our final entries:

            Autobiography by Zahra (Year 6)



           Mole and Eagle by Khadijah (Year 6) 



2. Max Gate Category (years 7 and 8)

Candidates submitted an original piece of writing in response to the following titles:

1. If you could have a superpower, what would you like it to be, and how would you use it?

2. Write a story beginning with the words: ‘It was exactly midnight. I sat peering through my bedroom window, wondering what the man in a black balaclava was doing, rifling through my neighbour’s dustbin.’

3. Little White Lies.

4. Is a dog really Man’s Best Friend?

5. The Train Journey 6. An Old Biscuit Tin


Our final entries:

            An Old Biscuit by Saara (Year 7)



           Lock and Key by Zainab (Year 7)


3. Favonius Category (years 9-11)

Candidates submitted an original piece of writing in response to the following titles:

1. The Rescue

2. Shot in the Dark

3. The Boy in the Painting

4. The Necklace

5. A Stitch in Time

6. Nothing Happened Today

7. Mission to the Unknown

8. Into the Light


Our final entries:

          Into the Light by Maryam (Year 10)




          A Stitch in Time by Haafizah (Year 9) 

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