Guidance for return to school in September 2020.
Guidance for return to school in September 2020.
Guidance for return to school in September 2020.
ISA Essay Competition 2021
This years categories were:
1. Horsey Category (years 5 and 6)
Candidates submitted an original piece of writing in response to the following titles:
1. Imaginative Christmas parcels can often take much longer to be delivered! Imagine that you are a Christmas parcel (or its contents) that travels around the country before it finally reaches its destination. Describe your adventures en route.
2 Fantasy We all enjoy a bedtime story with a good moral. Write your own story with the title: “The mole and the eagle!” aimed at young children (aged 5-7.)
3. Science fiction Create your own original “Alien” who you meet unexpectedly. You should describe their physical appearance, special powers and their journey to earth.
4. Autobiography “Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies.” (Aristotle) Describe at least one of your friends in detail, showing why you truly appreciate their special friendship.
5. A news article Write an article aimed at your school year group with the headline: Celebrating our school community’s heroes in 2020
Our final entries:
Autobiography by Zahra (Year 6)
Mole and Eagle by Khadijah (Year 6)
2. Max Gate Category (years 7 and 8)
Candidates submitted an original piece of writing in response to the following titles:
1. If you could have a superpower, what would you like it to be, and how would you use it?
2. Write a story beginning with the words: ‘It was exactly midnight. I sat peering through my bedroom window, wondering what the man in a black balaclava was doing, rifling through my neighbour’s dustbin.’
3. Little White Lies.
4. Is a dog really Man’s Best Friend?
5. The Train Journey 6. An Old Biscuit Tin
Our final entries:
An Old Biscuit by Saara (Year 7)
Lock and Key by Zainab (Year 7)
3. Favonius Category (years 9-11)
Candidates submitted an original piece of writing in response to the following titles:
1. The Rescue
2. Shot in the Dark
3. The Boy in the Painting
4. The Necklace
5. A Stitch in Time
6. Nothing Happened Today
7. Mission to the Unknown
8. Into the Light
Our final entries:
Into the Light by Maryam (Year 10)
A Stitch in Time by Haafizah (Year 9)

Striving for Spiritual & Academic Excellence